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IB Courses

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The best pre-university programme available anywhere in the world is generally agreed to be the International Baccalaureate (IB). No other curriculum better equips pupils for university education and the working world than the IB, which is recognised by several institutions in numerous nations.

IB students can develop transferrable and lifetime skills and qualities like analytical analysis, international mindedness, inventiveness, agency, and resilience thanks to the learning and teaching methods.

Every one of the four IB programs—the Primary Years Programme-PYP, Middle Years Programme-MYP, Diploma Programme-DP, and Career-related Programme-CP—offers a thorough and an appropriate academic course or curriculum that is comprehensive, balanced, conceptual, and integrated.

The courses can give kids a competitive edge, assisting them in getting accepted into the colleges and vocations of their choosing, facilitating a seamless transition to college, and eventually helping them perform better after they graduate from college.

Our students are considered as some of the top performers in their fields of study, and some of the world’s most exclusive colleges accept the IB diploma. With key destinations like the US, the UK, Germany, Hong Kong, and India, the IB delivers transcripts to roughly 5,000 universities in hundred different nations. Employ a tutor from Us to understand more on IB courses online in India!

Research-based insights

Research from all of our programmes indicates that IB students have an international perspective and are creative and critical thinkers.Students in the PYP exhibit higher levels of wellbeing than comparable non-PYP students, and MYP students significantly outperform pupils from non-IB institutions in the ISA subject areas at various grade levels. In comparison to their peers in six other nations, students in the DP, CP, and DP courses showed better levels of global mindedness. Additionally, DP & CP students frequently participate in a few of the world’s most prestigious colleges.

Of course, a student’s devotion and perseverance are also necessary for success. The IB Diploma Program is very difficult because it includes 6 topics, an Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS (Creativity, Activity, and Service). IB Diploma graduates are highly regarded by colleges all around the world for precisely this reason.

Universities in more than 110 nations accept the IB Diploma. It enables admission to the most demanding universities around the globe. The IB is valued for its academic rigour and for its “extra” components like TOK, CAS, and the Extended Essay by university admission authorities.

Universities like IB students since the IB curriculum fosters the development of a diverse range of talents. Given the variety of disciplines they have studied, IB graduates have more options for undergraduate programmes. Employers are increasingly seeking employees who are flexible and adaptable, which is a quality that all IB students possess.

Selection of subjects and levels

It’s crucial to pick the right topic to assist your long-term objectives. The optimum mix for each student might be recommended by one of our tutors, who will be on hand. Changes to the programme beyond the first term may only be made with the school’s approval and in exceptional cases.

During the initial week of the educational year, you will be notified if a course is not offered, which is improbable. Please be aware that, in this scenario, every choice is made with the student’s best interests in mind.

The various subject areas:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

What are the course choice for the IBDP learners?

The IBDP learners are the learners with international mindedness and who perceive the world problems with multiple and unique perspectives. Subject outlines for both standard & higher level courses are included in our course selection advice, along with details on the objectives, goals, and assessment methods.

Choosing what courses to take is a task for students. As a parent or counsellor, do you assist your ward in pursuing their aspirations of higher learning? The details provided below can assist you in making the course choices that best meet your objectives or those of your students.

Choosing courses for a diploma programme (DP)

The three components of the DP core—theory of knowledge, extended essay, and creativity, activity, and service—as well as six topic groups make up the DP curriculum (CAS).Knowing which course choices would aid students in achieving their objectives and career aspirations is crucial whether you’re registered in the DP or taking multiple DP courses.

Students can choose their courses with the aid of counsellors and university career counsellors (UCC). They are aware of the criteria that universities in various nations will use to evaluate applicants, as well as the ideal combination of courses at the standard level and higher level, depending on the student’s country of residence. Additionally, it is advised for students to confirm the specific universities’ entrance standards.

Although SL and HL courses have different scopes, they are graded using the same grade descriptions, and higher level students are required to demonstrate a larger body of knowledge, comprehension, and skills. Each student enrolls in a minimum of three advanced-level courses and a maximum of four standard-level courses. The table excludes pilot subjects and school-based syllabi (SBS), none of which have subject briefs.

Students who enrol in the 2-year IB Diploma Program study six courses from among the 6 subject groups, write an extended essay, take a theory of knowledge course, and engage in activities that foster creativity and community service (CAS). Get valuable advice on IB courses online from GIBM’s tutors, Contact Now!

What is the importance of assessment in IB?

The support and measurement of student learning are crucially dependent on assessment. The IB curriculum understands the value of giving students feedback to help them develop as rational thinkers and citizens of the world.

IB evaluation is based on solid and trustworthy ideas, allowing us to provide objective, open methods for assessing students’ academic performance. IB assessments are now well known for their high standards of academic honesty.

Evaluation for the Diploma Program (DP)

Each year, between May and November, there are two assessment cohorts for the DP assessment. Most DP course assessments start with written exams that are graded by examiners who have undergone professional training. Nearly 9,000 professional examiners from around the world are involved in the evaluation process, including the formulation, marking, and moderation of assessments, to make sure that student work is evaluated fairly and consistently.